What is Zen?
What is Zen ?
Zen is the exact transmission of the zazen practice. It is the practice of the
correct posture and breathing with unified body and mind, thus abandoning any idea or spirit of
quest or personal advantage, being completely separated from the intricacy of the selfish
spirit. It is the position in which the "Enlightened One", Shakyamuni, attained beatification
2600 years ago. Master Deshimaru called it "Return to the normal, original, universal condition
of body and mind".
Consequently, Zazen addresses to all, regardless of age, sex or IQ. Practiced
on a regular basis and following the teaching of the true masters of the transmission, it leads
to radical transformation of our philosophy of life and brings profound happiness in our
everyday life. Our narrow, self-oriented and intricate mind shall certainly make itself
available for the highest of wisdoms – the wisdom of enlightenment – and the spirit of universal
sympathy shall grow within us unconsciously, naturally and automatically. Kodo Sawaki said:
"Allow zazen to do zazen!".
Zen is neither philosophy, nor psychology, nor doctrine. It is beyond
philosophy, concept and form. The essence of Zen cannot be put into words.
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